Preschool Sunday School

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ROOM 206

The children in this Sunday School class will be learning about our Reformation Heritage through biblical stories. Reformation Press is an early childhood curriculum for preschoolers. It is written and designed to nurture the development of faith through age appropriate Bible stories.


  • Michelle Bridges
  • Roz Catoe
  • Julie Coffey
  • Michele and Bill Dunbar
  • Dawn & Rex Eargle
  • Ellen Harrison
  • Wendy Sherman
  • Marsha Tolson

“Children’s Worship Experience”

Children’s Church

(Ages 3 – 6)

Children’s Church prepares children for worship by transitioning them from the nursery environment to the more structured setting of a worship service.


The Children’s Church program is led by parent volunteers and provides faith-building activities with the children during the 10:30 worship service. The curriculum was written by SVPC member, Marilyn Dillon. Children are led out to this program after the Time with Young Disciples in the service.


(Current 2nd graders)

In January, our Worship Readiness program prepares our second graders to become full participants in the worship service. The curriculum is Get Ready, Get Set, Worship!  by Lou, Meyers, Washer, & Love. Children learn why we worship, and are taught the meaning of our Christian traditions.



Ruth Adams

Todd Gaither

Sara Peacock


Rooms 213 and 220

First through fifth graders will use the Growing in Grace and Gratitude curriculum. Through Biblical stories shared in a variety of ways, children learn in a setting that stimulates their imagination and encourages class participation.

First & Second Grades (Room 213)


  • Ruth Adams
  • Todd Gaither
  • Sara Peacock

Third, Fourth & Fifth Grades (Room 220)


  • Kathy Bradley
  • Linda Bradley
  • Dianne & David Meadow
  • Linda & Pete Griffin
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