*Nursery is available from 8:15AM - 11:30AM every Sunday for children
between ages 0-3 years old in room 102 (across from Crossroads).

  • Faith Formation for Children & Youth

    Please click here for the schedule for our children and youth Sunday programming from 9:30-10:15AM.

    Please click here for the map of classes.

  • Kerygma Light - Adult Sunday School Class

    Kerygma Light

    The goal of the Kerygma curriculum is to increase biblical knowledge and understanding, to enhance personal spiritual growth and to deepen an appreciation for worship and a willingness to serve.  The classes will last between 4-8 weeks and focus on one book of the Bible at a time.  Location: Room 303

  • Genesis Class - Adult Sunday School Class

    This class discusses topics relative to today with a scriptural basis. Topics change frequently. The goal is to provide a comfortable and nurturing space for everyone, particularly those who are visiting the church, travel a lot or want to study a variety of different topics and lessons. Discussion is encouraged. Class members volunteer to teach during the year and guest teachers are invited. Location: Room 302 (Session Room)

  • Women's Class - Adult Sunday School Class

    The Women’s Class studies are Bible focused. Lively discussions take place as the group seeks to understand how the Bible speaks to us for today. Location: Family Room

  • Take Two Class - Adult Sunday School Class

    Each Sunday, participants in the Take Two class examine local and global current events and engage in stimulating conversation as they weave Biblical teachings into free-flowing discussions. This class is great for adults with challenging schedules and frequent travels as a new topic is covered each week. Come and enjoy a lively, relevant, educational Sunday School class. Location: Room 301 (across from Potts Hall)

  • COFFEE Talk - Adult Sunday School Class

    Centered On Faith, Fellowship, Engagement & Enlightenment to members across multiple generations —from young adults through families with small children and teens, to empty-nesters. We explore our faith, become more involved in the life of the church, grow in fellowship and support each other. Location: CrossRoads (room by the glass Atrium doors)

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