The best way to stay informed is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, Hot Topics. Receive upcoming events, urgent alerts, and links to resources every Saturday morning. Just press that but below!
We are collecting NEW clothing for the EMS Closet (supporting Richland 1 & 2 children). Please bring donations of NEW children's socks, underwear, and short sleeved t-shirts. to the Atrium baskets: children's sizes 4T to 12.
We need you - in whatever capacity you are able to help. It's only 4 weeks to Easter! Help SVPC look its best for the season.
Many items can be done on your own time, at your convenience. Jobs range from small to large, one person or with a group.
Your first opportunity is a kitchen cleanup and organization from 1:00 to 3:00 pm:
Monday March 24, Tuesday March 25, and Wednesday March 26.
March 5: Ash Wednesday - Service at 6:30PM in the Sanctuary. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent with a public act of confession and contrition.
April 6: Easter Egg Hunt - 3-4:30PM - RAIN OR SHINE. All children of walking age through 2nd grade are invited.
April 13: Palm Sunday - 8:30AM & 10:30AM services.This begins Holy Week, a time in the church year when we remember how Christ gave his life in love for the world.
April 17: Maundy Thursday - 6:30PM Service in Potts Hall. Maundy Thursday begins the Three Days (or Triduum), remembering the new commandment that Christ gave us in word and deed as he taught us how to love one another, washing our feet as a servant. We also celebrate the Lord’s Supper, remembering the meal Christ shared with his disciples before his death.
April 18: Good Friday - Good Friday is the day we remember Jesus’ crucifixion. The hours of noon to 3PM are particularly significant as these commemorate the time Jesus hung on the cross. It is an especially important time to pray for the church and the world for whom Christ gave his life.
April 20: Easter Sunday: We hope you can join us at one of our three services on Easter Sunday. Bring your fresh cut flowers to add to our Living Cross on the lawn. Our service times are as follows:
7AM Sunrise Service, Memorial Garden
8:30AM Revelations Contemporary Service, Potts Hall
10:30AM Traditional Worship Service, Sanctuary
Add to the beauty of the season and show a loved one you care by dedicating an Easter Lily. Each lily is $20 and will be added to our Lily Tree with a dedication in the bulletin. Lilies can be taken home after Easter services on April 20th. You can plant your lily in the garden and it will come up every year!
Sunday morning programming for youth and children. These are held in our classrooms down the 200 hallway from 9:30am-10:15am. Contact Marilyn Dillon at dillonmarilyn8@gmail.com with any questions.
No Classes:
March 23, 2025
Ken McManus leads a "House Calls with Dr. Luke - A study of Luke and Acts" at 10:00AM each Wednesday in Crossroads. Pastor Jack will lead the study on the first Wednesday of every month.
Contact Ken McManus at kenmcmanus@mindspring.com if interested in joining this Bible Study group.
Join us for breakfast every third Thursday of the month from 8-9AM (NEW TIME!) in the private dining room at the Lizard’s Thicket by Target on Two Notch for approximately one hour. Topics focus on the church and society with historical, theological, biblical, and sociological themes.
The next meeting is March 21
Topic: "Psalms and Proverbs: Biblical Wisdom for a Divided World"
Questions? Contact Stephen Bower at stephenebower6@gmail.com or Ken McManus at kenmcmanus@mindspring.com.
This program is for men, women and older youth.
Life can be stressful and overwhelming at times. God gives us rivers to teach us. Letting the river be our guide, Nancy Smith, counselor and Director at Live Oak Counseling Center, will lead a conversation on Thursday, March 27 about:
Psalm 23:1-2 “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul”
Bio: Nancy serves as Director and Counselor at Live Oak Counseling Center. She works with older teens and adults struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, family issues, and parenting issues using a collaborative, and patient centered therapeutic approach.
Nancy has been married to a Brad Smith, Presbyterian minister, for 37 years and raised three children; two of whom are Presbyterian ministers and one working on her Doctorate. She loves to play with her two grandsons, travel, cook, garden, exercise and spend time with her family.
Please sign up by Sunday 3/23/25 to help us provide the right amount of refreshments.
We need just a few minutes of your time on Sunday, March 30th. Join us in the Sanctuary right before the 10:30AM service to elect the 2028 Class of Elders & Deacons.
Strikers Youth Group
Who: All 3rd-5th Graders (a.k.a. Strikers)
When: 3:30pm-5:00pm
Where: Meet in the Strikers Room-Room 220
Questions or Concerns? Contact Liz Campbell (liz.campbell@live.com), Julie Coffey (juliecoffey5@gmail), or Ashley Tolson (arosetolson@yahoo.com).
Strikers Youth Group Meeting Dates
March 30
May 18
Room 220, 3:30-5PM
Join Us to Grow in Your Faith, Enjoy Fellowship, and Serve Others while having FUN! and Have Fun!
Questions or Concerns? Contact Liz Campbell (liz.campbell@live.com), Julie Coffey (juliecoffey5@gmail), or Ashley Tolson (arosetolson@yahoo.com).
New members are always welcome. Upcoming meeting info & book selections are available in weekly announcements & email newsletter.
Books we have read in the past are listed here.
March 23rd — “James” by Percival Everett
On Friday, April 4, the USC Open Book is sponsoring an author event with Percival Everett. The Book Club plans to have dinner and attend the event.
We read fairly new fiction with a few non-fiction selections a year. Meetings are informal and almost always include M & M's!
Just Older Youth. This group is generally 55+ and meets the first Monday of every month. Bring a covered dish to share and join us in Potts Hall on April 7 for JOY Group at 12:30PM.
Author Phillip McMullan will speak on the history of "Beechland and the Lost Colony". Philip S. McMullan, Jr., is a native of historic Edenton, North Carolina, and has been immersed in the colonial history of his state since childhood. Despite his early interest in history, he spent much of his career as a research scientist with RTI International in the newly created Research Triangle Park in 1960. After retirement, he researched the history of Beechland and its possible relationship to the abandoned. He prepared this thesis as part of obtaining his Masters of History at North Carolina State University. He has taught World History and American History for the Gateway to College Program at the College of the Albemarle since 2007.
Join us the 3rd Sunday of every month (with some date changes listed below) after the 10:30am service for a free lunch in Potts Hall. It is a great time of fellowship, AND delicious food.
May 4th – Founders ' Day Lunch
June 16th
Dean Durham returns to teach a FREE self defense class for women again on Saturday, TBA from 10-11am. With Dean's Martial Arts background, he will guide you in how to get out of unsafe situations with techniques that anyone can perform. The free class is for women age 18+.
The Guitar Committee welcomes ALL skill levels on the last Monday of every month at 6:30PM in Potts Hall.
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