What are Sundays like?
Revelations begins at 8:30 AM and the Traditional service begins at 10:30 AM. Between services, Sunday School happens for all ages from 9:30 to 10:20 AM. A nursery is also available during Sunday School and both worship services. Youth group happens on Sunday evenings.
Where do I go?
Revelations is held in Potts Fellowship Hall and is best accessed from the back door near the soccer fields. Our Traditional service is located in the sanctuary and can be accessed from the main doors on the front lawn or from the atrium doors located under the overhang.
Where do I park?
For Revelations, park at the back of the church near the soccer fields and enter through the back door. For the Traditional service, park in the front or by the atrium overhang.
What do people typically wear when attending services?
There is no dress code for members or guests. For Revelations, dress usually ranges from casual to dressy. Our Traditional service tends to be more business casual to dressy.
What do my children do?
A nursery is available for infants and toddlers in Room 201. Both the Revelations and Traditional service have a Time for Young Disciples where a pastor will discuss the message of the day with the children. After this time, children ages 3 to 6 will be led out of the service to Children’s Church. Children’s Church prepares children for worship by transitioning them from the nursery environment to the more structured setting of a worship service. The Children’s Church program is led by parent volunteers and provides faith-building activities.
I am not a Presbyterian ... May I attend services?
Yes! We welcome all visitors to our services, no matter the previous exposure to Christian or Presbyterian services. You will find our members welcoming and friendly.
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