Thornwell Home for Children began as a dream in the heart of a young Presbyterian minister in Clinton, SC. Following the devastation of the Civil War, William Plumer Jacobs, of First Presbyterian Church in Clinton, wanted to build an orphanage.
His dream was energized when 10-year-old Willie Anderson of a nearby community gave Reverend Jacobs fifty cents and said, “This is to help build your orphanage.”
Named for Dr. James Henley Thornwell, theologian, Thornwell opened its doors on October 1, 1875, to 10-orphaned children. Dr. Jacobs’ belief “that God so willed and would, therefore, support the endeavor”, carried him and his beloved orphanage through the post-war years up until his death in 1917.
Now each year on October 1, we honor Dr. Jacobs and his dream; and we give thanks to God not only for the children and our community, but also for the willingness of God’s people to support this ministry for children in need.
Spring Valley Presbyterian Church has a long history of support for Thornwell Home. Each year we host a month-long series of events to raise funds and educate members about Thornwell’s mission.
To learn more about Thornwell Home for children and their opportunities for your involvement, click here.
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