We have several small groups that meet for book studies, fellowship and support in a confidential environment. Currently, some of these groups are based on the ChristCare model. The confidential focus of these groups means that the size is somewhat limited. Some groups are open to growing their numbers. Different groups have different sizes that they feel is workable for their interaction.
GRACE ChristCare
We are a group of women that study together, care for each other and seek mission projects that we can support. We enjoy fellowship and the support we receive from each other.
Schedule: 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Contact: Page Sundby
Tuesday ChristCare
We are a small group whose members know, love and care for ONE ANOTHER as well as those in our church & community. We seek to grow spiritually by reading & discussing scripture, praying for our group, family, friends & those we do not know.
Our group works to know God better and behave according to his will. We also do mission service in the church & outside the church.
Our group is growing as we care for each other. This process and progress is very important.
Schedule: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Contact: Robin Brackett
Sunday ChristCare
This group of women meets two times a month for study, service, and sharing. We have enjoyed a wide variety of studies including Calvin for Armchair Theologians,Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths, and The Hidden Power of the Gospels. (The consensus is to find something a little lighter for this coming year!) Each meeting gives all members an opportunity to share what is going on in their lives.
ChristCare involves a commitment of confidentiality and acceptance that works best in a small group. Our group is open to new members. Should our group get too large, the hope is that a new group would be formed, and we would all continue to grow in the love of Christ shown through the love we have for each other in this small group ministry setting.
Schedule: 2 Sundays/month
Contact: Sarah St. Onge
Monthly Women's ChristCare
Usually meet once a month either Tuesday or Thursday at 6:30pm. Group consensus decides day of week. Beth Brown is the coordinator of the meeting locations. Location is a restaurant that can accommodate 8-10 people as the number varies based on who is in town.
We are an open group with emphasis on prayer and support of each other and members of the congregation we know have needs. We have all invited others to join over the years and welcome anyone who is interested in our focus and works or needs a night time meeting.
Schedule: Monthly
Belinda Rutledge
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