We have a variety of small groups that focus on fellowship and social connections. Schedules and contacts for these groups are listed below. We encourage you to join a group - it will help you feel at home at SVPC!
Book Club
The SVPC book club meets the 4th Sunday of the month either at the church or at a member's home. We read fairly new fiction with a few non-fiction selections a year. Meetings are informal and almost always include M & M's! New members are always welcome. Upcoming meeting information and Book Selections are available in weekly announcements and the weekly Hot Topics email newsletter. Our current reading selection and books we have read in the past are listed here.
Schedule: 4th Sundays
Contact: Jo Ann Caviness
JOY Group
The JOY Group (Just Older Youth) members are generally over 55. This lively group meets for covered dish lunch and a program on the 1st Monday of the month at 12:00 Noon in Potts Fellowship Hall. Come early and stay late! Scheduled Programs are available online in weekly announcements and the weekly Hot Topics email newsletter.
Schedule: 1st Monday each month, 12:00 Noon, Potts Fellowship Hall
Contact: Bill Meynardie
Special Documents from March 2014 JOY Meeting:
Witness to Resurrection Planning
Lunch Bunch - Northeast
The Lunch Bunch offers a great opportunity to get acquainted with staff and members of Spring Valley Presbyterian Church. Everyone is welcome as we gather for lunch, lively conversation and laughter once a month. A tradition for more than 15 years, the Lunch Bunch meets at various northeast restaurants throughout the year. The restaurant selected is announced on the web site, in the Hot Topics weekly email and in the Sunday bulletin. Participants include church staff members, retirees, and anyone who is free for lunch that day.
Schedule: 3rd Mondays, 11:30 AM
Contact: Dody Imhoff
Montreat SVPC Family Retreat
A chill in the air, color in the trees and church family all around. This gathering is for all ages, families, singles and couples! Montreat is the Presbyterian Conference Center located approximately 17 miles east of Asheville, NC and just north of Black Mountain, NC (www.montreat.com). This is a wonderful time to meet friends, new and “renewed”. The backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains is perfect place for family fun, morning hikes, sipping coffee on the porch or moments of personal reflection. The hours are unstructured to allow everyone to pursue their interests. Saturday morning kicks off with a hike for all ages. If you prefer a more level path, there are miles of trails and beautiful sights within the 4000 acres of the Montreat facility. Arrive when you can on Friday afternoon or evening. Activities throughout the day on Saturday include playgrounds, streams to follow, cards and other games, shopping and just being together. Plans for an evening of food and fellowship are underway. Visit our Montreat Family Retreat page.
Contact: Information - Lance Roper Lodging info - Judy Duncan
Revelations Food Service
A small group is responsible for preparing the breakfast goodies that are served as part of the Revelations contemporary service. If you are interested in helping with this please contact Jamie Gordon.
Schedule: arrive early (8ish) for the Revelations Service, look for folks in the Potts Hall Kitchen
Contact: Jamie Gordon
Salt Shakers
The purpose of the Salt Shakers is to get to know other members of the church better, in a social setting. Once a month, the host group will invite four other couples on the schedule to participate in an event the host arranges. Most often this is a meal, at the host home or meeting at a restaurant, a movie and dessert afterwards, or perhaps a picnic or whatever the host wants to arrange. There is no restriction just whatever the host feels comfortable setting up. Sign up to participate in September!
Schedule: One evening/month, September - May
Contact: Wayne and Beth Brown
The SVPC Café is a professionally prepared meal on Wednesday evenings (5:30 – 6:30) in Potts Hall September - May. Various groups throughout the church volunteer to help twice/year with cutting, chopping, serving and clean-up. The “Connections” programs follow the meal. Reservations can be made online or by calling the church office. www.svpc.org/svpccafe
We are using a food service this year. If you have a need for food for an SVPC group, please call about coordinating your order with the Café order scheduling.
Schedule: Wednesday nights, September - May, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Potts Fellowship Hall
Contact: Roger Wachob
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