Contact: Leila Evans
Care Packages for College Freshmen (February)
You can pick a box to fill or bring in items for us to fill boxes to send to our College Freshmen. They are always a great treat in the middle of the first year of College.
USC Student Center Meal
We take a meal for 25 people to the USC Student Center. The meal includes salad, lasagna, bread and dessert. We also make 4 dozen cookies for the Student Center during exam week.
Fellowship of the Least Coin
Women of many countries and denominations seek to express their oneness in Christ by uniting in prayer and by making a gift of their least coin. The coins are collected at Circle meetings and Women's Dinners and then given to the Least Coin Fellowship to be used to meet the needs of women around the world.
Meals Ministry
A group of women gather for fellowship and to cook in order to stock our freezer in the kitchen with frozen meals. These meals are for any family within SVPC that are in need of a meal. They are also used for the community when we have people knock on the church door needing a meal or a non-member who is in need of a meal.
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