The Session is made up of seven ministries. These ministries and the committees that are a part of them lead all of the aspects of our church.
Our ministries are:
This group includes Finance, Personnel and Office Management functions.
This ministry manages the campus including our structure, landscaping, appliances, etc.
This ministry includes all of our programs focused on spiritual growth including Sunday School for all ages, Bible Studies, Vacation Bible School, Programs for Children and Youth and the Preschool Program.
This ministry works to ensure that our members find a place to belong in our church. It hosts fellowship events including the Montreat Family Retreat, Wednesday night Cafe, Christmas Eve light meal, periodic congregation meals and receptions, Saturday hikes, etc. We also work with the Deacons to ensure that those in need of care are getting support from our church family.
Reaching out to those in need whether local or global is a key focus for our church. This group leads the efforts for many of our programs including Migrant Ministry, Thornwell Home Building Families Program and a partnership with the Port Loyola Baptist Church in Belize City, Belize.
The missions of our church, the care of our congregation, facility and congregation and, our youth and children's programs and outreach in the community are funded by our members pledge support annually. This team conducts the pledge campaigns for these fundamental costs and our debt reduction on our existing facility.
Planning for the numerous and diverse worship services, the institution of the Lord's Supper, ushers, flowers, etc are all the focus of this group. We have active music and drama programs, including an adult choir, children's choir, hand bell choir and praise band. Drama programs are produced several times each year, involving all ages.
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