On Friday, July 5, 2019, 40 SVPC members set out on their journey to Belize. Here they help the community with construction projects, host a VBS alongside Port Loyola Baptist Church and host sports reachout to residents of the area. Become a prayer partner with one of our members on the list.
In addition to following this mission on our Facebook page or viewing their photos on Shutterfly (password: svpc), you may also read about their mission daily:
Day 1 Reflections:
Elizabeth Dillon
Matt Sherman
Meredith McDowell
Day 2 Reflections:
James McCallum
Justin Owen
Wellslee Hall
Day 3 Reflections:
Biemann Othersen
Brenen Epps
Rebecca McMenemy
Day 4 Reflections:
Brad Tolson
Madison Delong
Darby St. Onge
Day 5 Reflections:
Ann Perry
Brian Hall
Hagan Riley
Day 6 Reflections:
Kyle Clark
Lizzie McCallum
Michael Hogue
Day 7 Reflections:
Marjie Roper
Dena Jordan
Belize Wrap-Up Reflection:
Natalie Hogue
Please join us on Sunday, July 28th at 6pm for a pizza and ice cream social.
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